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Why Video SEO?

Stand out from the crowd

'Because it adds a powerful layer of user attraction and engagement to traditional SEO. Having your brand stand out with a video thumb in Google blended results means you will become the most visible result on the page to your target clients'

FACT: If your page in Google has a video thumb it is 50 times more likely to achieve a page one listing than a traditional thumb - Forrester Research

A page with video in Google is 50 times more likely to achieve page one listing

If a picture speaks a thousand words, imagine what a video will do for your brand!'

'Because your target audience are looking for the most informative and entertaining results in search. If you are the video result on the page then this Google eye-tracking test proves that you will be the one they choose to click through to your website.'

FACT: A video thumb half way down a page of search results will attract as much eye traffic as the number one result - Google Blog

Seeing is remembering (hand written with graphic)

'Because gaining mind share is made easier if your target demographic is given the opportunity through a video thumb to explore and discover what your brand has to offer.'

FACT: When they are engaged, potential buyers are 46.22% more likely to make a purchase online - which is the ultimate goal of any online marketing - treepodia E-commerce case studies

Watching and listening are easier than reading

Because more than 70% of all online searches are carried out in Google and even though they may not be actively looking for video results, the appearance of a video thumb next to your listing grabs attention and makes the result stand out on the page.

FACT: Over 70% of all web usage and over 50% of all mobile device usage is now video viewing - Cisco Mobile Usage Report

The future of video is now

Because 54% of all the online brand leaders are now using video online and getting them indexed in Google. Video on a site is now expected by visitors rather than being surprised by it. Don't get left behind - your survival may depend on it.

FACT: Brand leaders such as Amazon (185,000 videos), Nike and Sesame Street have all their videos indexed in blended search - Sunday Sky

The future of video is now